Baptism is the first sacrament of the Church. Through the waters of Baptism, we are washed clean of sin and become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. Through Baptism, we become a part of the “priesthood of believers” and share to a limited degree in the ministerial work of Christ. Though Baptism is generally administered to infants of Catholic parents, we also baptize adults. This is done through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Contact Charlie Hunt to learn more about Adult Faith Formation (440-946-3287). On the first Wednesdays of September, December, March, & June, a pre-Baptism class is held for parents whose first child is to be baptized.
This class is required. Time: 7:00-9:00 pm. The ceremony is arranged with the pastor, call 946-1177 to register.