We follow Jesus in faith, prayer, & service.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is received in three steps, each sacramental. Each step configures the person to Christ in a unique way and puts the person in a special relationship with the Church. The first step is ordination to the diaconate. A deacon serves the diocese in ways designated by the bishop and may be either single or married. The second step is the Presbyterate. A priest ordained for a diocese serves the diocese for which he is ordained. A priest ordained for a religious order, such as a Dominican, Franciscan, or Jesuit, serves a larger area according to the particular needs of his religious order. The third step is ordination to the Episcopacy. A bishop is appointed as a successor to the apostles and serves the church as spiritual leader and father of a particular diocese.
Vocation Director: 440-943-7660
Fr. Joshua Cochrac: 440-946-1177