We follow Jesus in faith, prayer, & service.
A caring ministry, with sessions that run for six-weeks; provides support for those going through the grieving process. The bereavement ministry also holds social outings throughout the year. Watch the bulletin/website for upcoming events or call the parish office, 440-946-1177. Open to all.
A ministry of direct outreach to the poor. Provides temporary assistance to parishioners and the community of Eastlake in need of food or help with utilities, etc. If you are in need or interesting in volunteering, please call the parish office, 440-946-1177. Food items may be dropped off daily or on weekends in the Gallery of the Church.
Devoted to a process of education and consciousness-raising regarding the sacredness of human life, especially the unborn. Open to anyone committed to following the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding life, in all its stages.
For more information or questions, please call the parish office and we will get you the contact information for our representatives.