If you would to become a parishioner and live within the parish boundaries, please stop in the office and fill out a registration packet or click the link here (Registration Form) and (Stewardship Form) to print and fill out at home. When completed, please call the office to set up an appointment with the pastor.
Need to Update Your Information?
Contact: Sandi Shell, 440-946-1177, sjmoffice@stjustin.net
We thank you for contacting us with your updated information! Submitting this information helps us maintain accurate database information and is also used to publish and distribute the annual St. Justin Martyr Guide & Directory. This directory provides contact information for the parishioners who choose to be listed, the general contact information for parish employees, and a description of parish organizations. The directory is provided to each registered parish family at no cost.
If you have any questions regarding the parish database or your directory listing, contact Sandi Shell, 440-946-1177 or email sandi@stjustin.net.