Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events for the calendar:


September 2024


September 12  Coffee and Conversation, 11am ATR

September 15  Catechetical Sunday

September 16  PSR 6pm School

September 17  Pastoral Staff Meeting 1pm CMR, Boy Scouts 7-9pm

September 18 OCIA 6pm ATR, Contemporary Choir 7pm Church

September 19 Parish Mission Meeting 11am CMR, Confirmation Practice at Immaculate Conception

September 22  Red Cross Blood Drive 8am-2pm, Confirmation at Immaculate Conception Willoughby, 11am

September 23 PSR 6pm School

September 24 Boy Scouts 7-9pm, Stewardship Committee 6:30pm CMR, Parish Council 7:30pm RMR

September 25  OCIA 6pm ATR

September 26 Coffee and Conversation 11am ATR, Finance Council 6:30pm RMR, R and R at the CPL 6:45pm

September 28-29 Catholic Communications Campaign Collection

September 29  Confirmation Celebration 10:30am Mass

September 30  PSR 6pm School


October 1  Diocesan Book Study, The Mission, ATR 7pm; Boy Scouts 7-9pm PHMR

October 2  OCIA, ATR 6pm; Contemporary Choir, Church 7pm

October 3  Avilas, 9am Chapel;  Coffee and Conversation 11am ATR

October 4  First Friday Communion Calls, St. Francis of Assist Pet Blessing 6pm in yard

October 5  SJM Clambake and Steak Fry

October 6  Fellowship Sunday

October 7  PSR 6pm School; Holy Name Society 7:15pm CMR

October 8  Worship Commission 6:30pm CMR, Diocesan Book Study, The Mission ATR 7pm; Boy Scouts 7-9pm PHMR

October 9  OCIA 6pm ATR

October 10  Christmas Card Writing 10am Parish Hall; Coffee and Conversation 11am, ATR

October 12  Rosary Rally 12pm front yard;  Marriage Ministry:  Adoration and Apps, Church 6pm

October 13  60th Anniversary Celebration Thomas & Eleanor Pike, 10:30am Mass

October 14  Called to Protect Parent Meeting 6pm ATR

October 15  Pastoral Staff 1pm CMR; Parish Council 7:30pm RMR; Diocesan Book Study, The Mission ATR 7pm; Boy Scouts 7-9pm PHMR

October 16:  OCIA, ATR 6pm; Contemporary Choir, Church 7pm

October 17:  Coffee and Conversation 11am, ATR; Eucharistic Encounter, Church 1pm; Finance Council 6:30pm RMR

October 19-20:  World Mission Sunday, Refugee Collection

October 21:  PSR 6pm School

October 22:  Stewardship Committee 6:30pm CMR; Diocesan Book Study, The Mission ATR 7pm; Boy Scouts 7-9pm PHMR

October 23:  OCIA, ATR 6pm

October 24:  Coffee and Conversation 11am ATR

October 28:  PSR 6pm School

October 29:  Diocesan Book Study, The Mission ATR 7pm; Boy Scouts 7-9pm PHMR

October 30:  OCIA, ATR 6pm; Contemporary Choir, Church 7pm

October 31:  Coffee and Conversation 11am ATR;  All Saints Vigil Mass 5pm; Fr. Josh's Birthday; Happy Halloween


Each Saturday:  Mass 5:00pm

Each Sunday:  Mass 8:00am and 10:30am

Daily Mass: 8:30am