Adult Faith Formation


Bible Study
Ministry group which studies, reflects and discusses passages in the Bible. Open to all.  Check our bulletin for upcoming sessions or contact Deacon Tim Shell via email  to see when the next session will start at

Education Commission
Assists the Parish Pastoral Council in developing pastoral plans and policies in the area of education. Deals with concerns related to life-long learning as it is needed and experienced by all parishioners, (children, adolescents, adults of all ages, including those with special needs).  Open to those knowledgeable in or having a willingness to gain knowledge in the area of education.  Contact Charles Hunt in our religious education office with questions or if you would like to join our commission, 440-946-3287 or

homeward-boundHomeward Bound
A welcoming ministry reaching out to inactive or alienated Catholics wishing to reconnect to the Church.  Open to all uniting them to the Community of St. Justin Martyr Church. Contact Beth Rossetti or if you are interested in joining the ministry or coming back to the Catholic Faith.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Ministry devoted to a process of conversion for individuals seeking membership in the Catholic Church. Team members plan, monitor and evaluate the process; provide necessary support to catechumens and candidates.

Open to Catholics in full communion with the Church with a desire to assist non-Catholics to discern God’s call to a closer relationship with Him through membership in the Catholic Church.
Contact Charles Hunt for more information, 440-946-3287 or

RCIA Schedule